Thursday, September 23, 2010

Not Today

It's raining today. Even God is crying over the disgust of this place. I'm not going outside today. I called my psychic yesterday, and she told me today was going to be stressful and suggested that I stay put. It is, after all, the 3-month anniversary of my divorce with my ex-husband. I'm most definitely staying in bed today.

I look out the dirt-smeared window. A huge flock of pigeons has just descended on the block, and my heart starts racing. Aren't pigeons a death omen? Yes, I think they are. That confirms it. I refuse to leave my bed today.

Through the thin door that protects me from the germs outside, I hear a baby crying. I think the baby belongs to a woman named Roxy. Oh, please make that baby stop! If only I could do something about the crying myself, but I can't because I'm not getting out of bed today. No, thank you.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

A Stressful Outing

I've been here three weeks, and I still can't stand this place. Alas, I think it's about time I try and explore my surroundings. I need to start somewhere, and I most definitely need to get a job if I ever want to earn enough money to get the hell out of here. Alright. Here we go.

Three pairs of socks: check. Three pairs of leg-gear: check. Three shirts: check. Three sweaters: check. Three pairs of plastic gloves: check. Rainboots: check. Surgical mask: check. Extra surgical masks in case contamination is too bad: check. Hat: check. Okay, I'm ready to venture out.

I take a deep breath as I open the door of my apartment building. I take a peek outside and immediately step back into my room. SO MANY GERMS. Alright... take two. I step out into the hallways and move as swiftly as possible. Lock the door, wipe the knob with sanitzer and a tissue, turn and get out of this apartment building.

First stop is Mr. Foo's. The entire restaurant smells of rice and nail polish. Gross. I walk quickly up to one of the waiters, but stop abruptly when I hear the name "Switch". That is my ex-husband's dog's name. Obviously that is a sign that I should look elsewhere for a job. This place has bad chi. But I can't continue my search tonight. It's already been too stressful. Maybe three days from now when I've had time to calm down from this outing.